Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Combat Mindset and Self Defense #6

This is my 6th post on Combat Mindset and Self Defense. In my previous posts I have primarily focused on firearms as that is primarily what I know. I live, work with and love firearms, and I practice as often as possible to maintain my proficiency with them.

Knives are a viable alternative for self defense and I maintain profanely with them as well, however for me they are a last resort before I have to fall back to strikes and kicks as in my opinion only a fool goes to a knife fight in the first place.
I do not practice disarmament techniques as I see them as a simple way to get myself killed by a more skilled or stronger opponent and with all knife and disarmament techniques that require you to be with in the lethal radius of the edged weapon that is being used against you. I do have one pistol disarmament technique that I practice regularly as it is simple, quick and effective for any one of any size, however I do not recommend it as in my opinion, for the reason anyone that has crossed the line of pointing a weapon at me or my wife has made a very poor life choice that, if I am given the chance, will hasten the end of said life by accurate gunfire.
Having a weapon for self defense does not make you effective. Practice makes permanent and if you do not practice with your weapon of choice you are simply carrying around the tool of your own death. Either your weapon will be used against you by your assailant(s) after they take it from you or you will attempt to use it and miss or have a malfunction that you do not know how to correct giving them the opportunity to kill you as easily as if you had no weapon in the first place.
As I have said in earlier posts you have to square away within yourself your natural propensity for violence and lethality and if you cannot find it within yourself to kill someone else even in self defense or in the defense of others that you love then DO NOT bother carrying a weapon as it will be simply taken from you and used on you or your loved ones after you fail to pull the trigger.  
It is incredibly vital that you realize the mess and smell caused by killing someone. It is not like the movies in which a person gets shot and they immediately drop or the hero gets shot 5 times and blown up and still walks away. Even if a person is shot in the heart they can still function for 15 seconds at least, that is 15 seconds where they can still kill you.
You need to settle within yourself that no matter the outcome of the fight, whether you live or die you WILL kill the person assaulting you or the ones you love. If you live in fear of losing your life then you will not be effective in defending yourself or your loved ones. The lyrics of a song that I heard on my first deployment to Iraq really hit home with me. “The wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I die you are forgiven, if I live I WILL KILL YOU!! Such is the rule of honor”. What I took from this is that no matter what happens to me I will kill or “stop” the threat to myself or my wife whether I die doing it for if I don’t that person will survive to do it again and again to other less prepared individuals (i.e. SHEEP).

1 comment:

  1. I once saw a video of a man being mugged. The man attempted to draw his revolver from his hoody pocket, but was unable to. His assailiants (2) tackled him through a glass door and into a hotel lobby. The first assailiant drew his pistol and fired, but it jammed. The same thing happened with the second assailiant. They eventually gave up with their semiautomatics, one of them picked up the man's revolver and killed him with his own weapon. The story would have been much different if the man had been carrying his weapon in a holster instead of the hoody pocket, or even if he had practiced drawing from the hoody pocket a few times.
