Monday, April 18, 2011


So my wife went to a certain gunshop in the Va Beach area the other day looking for a new concealed carry holster that was designed with females in mind, the elastic bellyband holster that would allow her to carry on body and still be compatible with most clothing choices. The worker there proceded to follow her around the gunshop like a creep for about 10 minutes before actually offering to help... (granted I am blessed with having a very beautiful wife, but seriously dude??)  then when he finally asked if he could help her find something, she told him she was looking for a bellyband holster for her Smith and Wesson M&P 9mmC. he told her that first he told her that her gun was TOO BIG AND TOO MUCH GUN FOR HER!!! and that she should think about getting a kel-tec .380... hmmmm  I have seen my wife consistantly stack a whole pistol magazine worth of holes on top of each other on a target at 15+ yards after a draw stroke ...then he went on to say that he used the belly band holster for 4 years and it sucked and he wouldnt recommend it for any one.. I have several comments on this last statement... first if it sucked so badly then why did he use it for FOUR WHOLE YEARS.. secondly since it was designed with females in mind ( and they typically have a very different body type then your average male) of course its not going to work very well for a man.. Third, I wonder if he got his holster to color coordinate with his bra and panties...  REMEMBER THE FIRST RULE TO A GUNFIGHT: ALWAYS BRING AS MUCH GUN TO THE GUNFIGHT AS YOU CAN COMPETENTLY HANDLE. I have heard many people that were in a gunfight wish that they had a bigger gun but I have NEVER heard anyone wish that they had a smaller one..
The moral to this story is always research what you are looking for and never go into a gunshop and expect to get sound tactical advice from a salesman.. there is a reason that he is just a gunshop worker... 

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